Lyman Grant is a poet and teacher living in Harrisonburg, Virginia. He was born in Birmingham, Alabama, and grew up in Temple, Texas. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from The University of Texas at Austin, and a Master’s Degree from Texas A&M University. He completed further graduate hours in English and Humanities at Texas A&M and American Military University. He began teaching at Austin Community Texas in 1978, retired in 2017, and continued to teach there, on-line, as an adjunct until December 2022. At Austin Community College, Lyman held several administrative posts, including that of Dean of Arts and Humanities for ten years and Interim Dean of Communications for one year. He is a widely published poet in journals and anthologies, and in seven volumes of poems. He has read his poems in festivals and universities, and attended the prestigious Bread Loaf Writers Conference and the Sewanee Writers Conference. His poems have been nominated for Pushcart Prizes. His essays and reviews have been published in The Texas Humanist, Texas Observer, Dallas Morning News, The Langdon Review, and MAN! Magazine, which he founded with John Lee and Sharon Adams. Lyman is married and the father of three boys.

Lyman Grant